9 types of popular web pages

What kinds of web pages does your website need? Our Dynamic Website Kit and Full Website Package include nine popular web page types, designed pixel-perfect to match your brand's look and feel (but not limited to these types of pages).

Landing Page

WordPress Homepage

The homepage of your domain can include popular products, video explainers, latest news and testimonials, etc.


Custom Post Type, Archive- & Single template

List all your services in an easy-to-read overview, with the option to go to more detailed descriptions on new pages.


Custom Post Type, Archive- & Single template

Display services/products through a visual grid from photos, videos, graphics, or titles with links to sub-pages for details.

Team Members

Custom Post Type, Archive- & Single template

Display your dream team with optional new subpages for in-depth descriptions of individual team members.

About Us

WordPress Page

You wanna tell visitors who you are, what your mission is, what they can expect from you, and why you're special.

Contact Us

WordPress Page

Make it easy to find your contact details. Often includes a contact form, a map with directions and social media links.

Latest News

Custom Post Type, Archive- & Single template

Keep everybody updated and share the latest news from your company with the option to link to articles, press releases, etc.


WordPress Post Type, Archive- & Single template

Publish your content in rich graphic magazine layouts that include everything from text, photos, graphics, video, and audio.

Cookies And Privacy Policy

WordPress Page

Be GDPR compliant. All websites must disclose their cookies and privacy policy.

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