Ecommerce website powered by WooCommerce

Millions of successful online stores worldwide have chosen WordPress and WooCommerce.

WooCommerce plugin

Top five reasons why WooCommerce is one of the most popular online shopping solution in the world:

Cosmosites Emoji It’s ultra-stable

Cosmosites Emoji Easy to manage

Cosmosites Emoji Easy to scale

Cosmosites Emoji Built-in payment gateways

Cosmosites Emoji Built-in store analytics

eCommerce Usage Distribution on the Entire Internet (May 2024^1)

The WooCommerce plugin on retail websites accounts for a substantial share of global ecommerce sales. (May 2024^2)

0 %
More than three million stores worldwide are powered by WooCommerce (May 2024^1)
^1: Source, ^2: Source.

"If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time"

As Apple founder Steve Jobs pointed out, business success takes hard work behind the scenes.

Like a tree that has spent years digging through the hard soil to stabilize and sustain its growth, a well-established online store also thrives on a good foundation.

That is why I believe it is crucial to get the technical end of things right when you go into e-commerce.

Stores powered by WordPress and WooCommerce have long proven their worth for millions of store owners.

Product overview

This product requires the Full Website Package or the Dynamic Website Kit.

General scope

Custom webshop design to fit your branding and target customers

We master the brand experience of your WooCommerce webshop to perfection.

We have pixel-level control over layout, colors, shapes, font types, photos, graphics, etc.

You get a custom-designed webshop that integrates deeply with your brand and target audience.

The webshop leverages WooCommerce’s standard functionality, such as star rating and customer reviews.

Plus, we can employ the premium store features we have included.

On Cosmosites, we build custom design WooCommerce stores.

Sell everything from physical to digital products

Everything is saleable with WooCommerce. Both physical goods and digital products such as downloads, memberships, subscriptions, online bookings, etc.

So is selling designer shoes sorted by size and color your niche?

Or is your thing selling time-based sessions in areas of consultancy, therapy, wellness, hairdressing, etc.?

Or offering digital products like music, podcast, video, and E-books?

Perhaps to sell online courses or get revenue from subscriptions?

It’s all possible thanks to WordPress, WooCommerce, and the use of plugins. Emoji blow kiss

Sell physical to digital products with WooCommerce.

Top security and up-to-date software

WooCommerce meets the very highest code standards and has the strongest cybersecurity in place.

Behind this plugin is no less than the company Automattic.

In the ownership of Automattic, you find serial entrepreneur and developer Matt Mullenweg. He is also the co-founder of (the open-source software) and its commercial variant

Take control over your data

One key difference between running an e-store on WordPress and WooCommerce versus a standardized solution like Shopify is data control.

Standardized solution
The store runs on a hosted platform managed by e.g. Shopify, which means you rely on them for security.

WordPress and WooCommerce
With WooCommerce, you can choose a web host specializing in security and use security plugins to protect your website, giving you complete control over its security.

With WooCommerce and WordPress you have 100% ownership of the installation in its entirety, where you can easily back up your store content along with your website.

Premium store features

Basic store functionality

Two integrated payment options (plus Mobilepay possible)

The two internationally market-leading online payment systems Stripe and PayPal, are built into WooCommerce.

You can accept payment by credit card, PayPal, bank transfer, or cash on delivery.

Bank transfer and cash on delivery work by processing the order once the money is manually registered as received.

Mobilepay add-on solutions are available through various plugins, e.g., EasyMe for the Danish market.

Shipping options

There are three different types of shipping options in WooCommerce: pickup, delivery, and mailing.

Likewise, there are three billing principles: a flat price, a price with different rates for different products (e.g., calculated by weight), and free shipping.

Local mail distribution solutions are integrated via plugins from the respective country’s freight companies.

VAT handling & state of stock monitoring

Get total control over VAT handling and your webshop’s stock status.

WooCommerce has a wide range of settings and professional functionalities.

You can, for example, set differentiated VAT values if you sell to several countries.

If you sell physical products in the webshop, WooCommerce can set up product variations (size, color, etc.) and indicate the stock status of each, where automated email notifications will let you know before the racks are empty.

400+ shop functionality extension with plugins

Like in WordPress, the functionality of WooCommerce can be extended with plugins. There are plugins for everything.

Integration of shipping providers is mandatory. You can integrate popular carriers locally with Shipmondo or Webshipper.

Connectivity to third-party accounting programs is available from Dinero and Billy, for example.

Local solutions for credit card and MobilPay payment options by Nets in Denmark.

At Cosmosites, we can also extend WooCommerce with functionalities for selling online courses, online booking, print-on-demand, etc.

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